Rush - Distant Early Warning
This video is awesome!! I love the chorus...
Music videos from some of my favorite bands among other things. Leave comments if you have suggestions. Hate mail is gladly accepted. Although this blog is impossible to spam, I enjoy reading your complaints. Send any rude comments my way please. Remember to check the archives for more videos. For all of the artists I have put on this site, have links to official band sites, myspace pages, or good fan sites, except for Praxis, which has none. If anybody knows of one, please let me know.
This is an awesome example of 80's cheese. Geddy looks awful in this...he looks much better now...same with the others. The solo is cool.
This guy is amazing! It's too bad he can't play guitar anymore, I bet he would be even more amazing now.
This is amusing!;) This guy is hilarious! If you haven't already watch the Dr. Zoltan videos, watch them! Dr. Zoltan is Sir millard Mulch. Also check out his myspace page. His blogs are funny, and so true...This guy is very talented!
Wow... I can't believe I didn't put this on sooner...I saw this a long time ago...Amazing ;)
Roope Latvala is too under-rated, compared to other guitarists. Yeah Alexi Laiho is awesome too, but this guy is just as awesome. Just watch. Also, Anonymous, don't comment on this please...Your comments will be deleted.
I like this...It's kinda amusing when he kinda just sits there at the end and flips his hair back...:D
This video is really my opinion, but it was the 80's, so what do you expect, I guess.
This is funny!! Devin Townsend plays with a shark puppet named...I to see
This is very old, but awesome!! This had to be reposted, yet again...
This song is awesome...Watch what Steve Vai does with his guitar near the end. He throws it in the air and spins around...It's amazing:)